Ward One: Reconstructing Memory
THE ORGANIZATION: "We're Still Not Done with the Old Ward One!"
Founded in 1991, The Ward One Organization maintains the spiritual sense of community shared among former Ward One residents. The goals of the organization are to renew acquaintances, foster awareness of their history and memorialize the legacies of descendants and their contributions.
The Ward One Organization's advocacy helped save the Palmetto Compress building as a visible reminder of their community. The building, once the industrial center of the Ward One community, is now being transformed into student housing and will dedicate a room to memorialize Ward One. The Ward One Organization would like to one day establish a museum to permanently house relics and artifacts of their heritage.
"We want to have a voice and identify with this area."
- Mattie Roberson,
Ward One Organization President
To learn more about the Ward One community,
visit The Ward One Organization.